Parent Checklist and Guidelines for Success during Standardized Testing
Before Testing:
- Post test site letter with dates, location, and schedule
- Post ES phone number and CWCS phone number
- Please support your student with adequate practice and training so they feel comfortable and familiar with online testing tools and content: Practice and Training
- Please check and support your student's proficiency with their keyboarding skills
- Maintain a regular waking/sleeping schedule so your student is well rested.
- Pack snacks/lunch and water
- Communicate positively regarding student's participation in testing and the benefits to their school and themselves.
- Be sure to communicate with your ES if there are any special circumstances involving your student that may need addressing, and check with your ES before testing begins, in regards to the outcome of that communication.
- Go over the Student Behavior Policy with your student, including the dress code and make sure they understand the policy before leaving the house for the test site.
- Remind student (grades 5,7,and 9 only) to dress appropriately on their Physical Fitness Test day and to bring water.
Each Day of Testing:
- If student cannot attend scheduled dates due to Emergency or Illness call your ES immediately. If you cannot reach your ES, please call the CWCS office number and let them know the situation: 209-874-1119 Ext. 6
- Awake early to eat a good breakfast and leave home at an appropriate time, considering weather and traffic, so student arrives 15 minutes before testing. No supervision is available before the 15 minutes prior to testing, so please do not bring students earlier.
- Encourage students to do their best and have a positive experience
Check in/out process:
- Grades 3-8: Parents/Guardians walk in and sign their student/s out.
- Grades 9-12: Student, with a note from parent, may walk in for check in and confirm emergency contact info.
Check out:
- Grades 3-8: Parents/Guardians walk in and sign their student out.
- Grades 9-12: Student, with a note from parent, may sign themselves out. (dropping off is not allowed) Let your student know the identified supervising adults onsite have cell phones and can assist them in calling when they are finished testing.
After Testing:
Ask student about their testing experience that day
Ask student what they would change about the testing environment
Give pertinent feedback to your ES immediately so we can resolve any issues in a timely manner
Thank you very much,
Assessment Department